
DustyMark's Journey 2 Comments

Jan 29th Yesterday we did dialysis at home and it went super smooth again, only one alarm, but Mark had low blood pressures all through it and after. We challenged his body two days in a row to get the fluid off and perhaps it just wiped him out. I had a great photo/video app of Mark in his chair, …

Jiggety Jig (cont’d)

DustyMark's Journey 5 Comments

Jan 27 Well now I don’t know what all I had intended to write yesterday but I’m sure I can manage to type out a few paragraphs. After dialysis we were able to get to the pharmacy and pick up meds however, one of them wasn’t approved by the insurance. Its a pain really. In the hospital, for some reason, …

Jiggety Jig

DustyMark's Journey 8 Comments

Jan 26th Mark sits back in Room 5 at Davita once again. The machine is humming…he is sleeping and every 30 mins a nurse comes in to take vitals. Its quiet and I’m paroozing the vacation options…perhaps I’m delusional and dreaming but after this upcoming month, it would be much needed. If we can’t go, we won’t but I can …

Jan 23rd

DustyMark's Journey 4 Comments

Tomorrow I’m told they will discharge Mark. His GI isn’t awesome but as I’ve probably told you in many blogs…its nothing new. As long as there is no danger or damage I feel like we can deal with it at home. I’m convinced the longer you stay in the more they find to mess with and the sicker you get! …


DustyMark's Journey 11 Comments

Mark called and he sounded SO much better!!! He slept! All the things we needed to happen, happened. He is on his way to getting discharged. (I don’t have a day/time yet)I will get things lined up for that . He is not pain free and he is still on a lot of drugs but his nurse is doing what …

Cattle Drive

DustyMark's Journey 7 Comments

Jan 20 I sit here contemplating what photos and prints and shelves to put up where….but I’m a bit haunted by the fact that I need to blog to keep everyone updated. I was thinking as I went to close the garage door after my walk…this journey (and my life and more specifically, my brain) is like a cattle drive. …

Job 30:17

DustyMark's Journey 10 Comments

“The night racks my bones, and the pain that gnaws me takes no rest.” Jan 17th Its been a very rough 3 days for Mark. Its been rough for us too despite how I might appear. I am trying to get task done and keep busy….If I wait by the phone for a phone call telling me I can come …

Back to Back

DustyMark's Journey 7 Comments

Jan 14th. I waited ALL DAY LONG to hear from or about Mark. I called in the morning after texting and calling Mark with no answers and the nurses desk told me they took him to surgery already. I was told 365 minutes I got a call from the doctor about 1pm that he was done and it went well. …

Back home

DustyMark's Journey 8 Comments

Thursday Jan 13th First of all, its Mark’s paternal grandmothers birthday. Not that you know her but… 2nd…I did come home. I met with Alyeska and her cc coach at GRCC to get a tour and talk to the coach. She is very nice and alot like me (as far as personality not the niceness although I’d like to think …


DustyMark's Journey 10 Comments

Jan 14 I was going to post and tell you all I wasn’t going to blog tonight but then as the words typed through my brain like a typewriter…..I realized my post would be a blog. So here we are. So many thoughts. I love that you all emotionally were angry and surprised with me when you learned I could …