March 20, 2023 Happy Spring. Okay so lets finish this up. Aly was okay. Thank you all who have reached out with concern and suggestions…its our nature to do that isn’t it? Aly has been looked at by more than once doctor. They say she is “fine”. This is why we must be our own advocates and we must push …
Survival Beach, Sea Urchins and Australians Take 2
March 13th 2023 I’m watching baby today and she is sleeping so I’ll take advantage to keep going but we all know now that I’m comfy on the sofa…she’ll wake up! I can’t give a play by play because it will take too long but our flights were pretty flawless and we arrived on time if not early. We flew …
Survival Beach, Sea Urchins and Australians
March 12th 2023 Ah, yes, that’s right. We’ve entered into March already. AND we sprang ahead. I got up this morning and I really didn’t know what time it truly was. All week my watch wouldn’t get the correct time zone unless I connected it to my phone but for some reason this was spot on without connecting it …