The night was good, we had a great nurse who is a believer and one of 19 kids. She is from Liberia, Africa.
We thought Mark would get a scope this morning and thats why he was no food or drink after midnight but when the doctor came to see him he told him he couldn’t have that procedure when he is on “that drip” and points to the Blood pressure med in his IV. Mark was a little upset as he doesn’t feel good, wants answers, and fasted for this. One department didnt’ talk to the other and so the drip was not stopped. I’m sure this happens here and there and I’m learning to not be mad but someone dropped the ball. BUT he was able to get into dialysis this morning and now is the procedure. See it all worked out. (I found a positive in the negative, yay me)
Mark needs to eat. I’ve forged a plan to force feed him 3 meals a day plus a snack to get him 2500 dense calories. How it will go, we do not know. He was told by a hospital cooridinator to eat whatever he wants and then he has to gain weight. I think its easy from someone on the outside to just say that. Mark woudl LOVE to eat whatever he wants. Its just not always that easy
Procedure done. They found nothing but will prescribe a medication for heartburn/acid reflux. hhhhmmmm.
So now onto the next possible thing it could be. And I don’t know what that is.
So as far as I know blood pressure is holding and hemoglobin is holding and maybe that alone will take this pain away but I have no idea how they are connected!!! He can eat now if he wants.
He ate some dinner. Not alot but he ate and the stretching of the esophagus must have helped because it didn’t feel lodged.
I’m not sure what we do tomorrow but we are waiting for a haptoglobin test to come back. We are still trying to figure out why he dropped so much so fast so we don’t have to worry about that happening again.
Procedure done. They found nothing but will prescribe a medication for heartburn/acid reflux. hhhhmmmm.
So now to the next possible thing it could be. And I don’t know what that is.
So as far as I know blood pressure is holding and hemoglobin is holding and maybe that alone will take this pain away but I have no idea how they are connected!!! He can eat now if he wants.
Comments 4
prayed for both of you again tonight – The Lord bless you and keep you – make His face to shine upon you and give you peace…
Hoping you guys can get back home soon. I still want to cook you guys a fresh lunch! Wish I could drop it off at the hospital but we are down a car. Sending you guys lots of love! Hugs Dusty! You’re doing a great job of caring for Mark and juggling everything else.
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.”
Isaiah 43:2
I wondered if it was reflux because reflux can mimic chest pain and heart attack symptoms and give him all the symptoms he was having. Also stretching his esophagus will help with swallowing. Once the medicine for reflux starts working he should start to feel better. Praying, praying praying for him and you.