Post Weekend

DustyMark's Journey Leave a Comment

October 11

Watching the Chicago Marathon got me itching……is so hard to stand still so I know all of this is REALLY hard for Mark. To watch so many people come and help us and to watch our little retirement home (now our soon to be next home) be built by other people.

This past weekend Mark felt a little better. Yesterday he stayed awake most of the afternoon and evening. Just one nap. He took a bit of a longer walk and tolerated a drive to Newaygo to look at the progress. I’m hoping his labs come back adequet for dialysis and that we have found a prescription that works for him.

We also need the Lenvima to arrive in the mail.

Please pray over the sale of this house as it is NOT complete yet. God is looking over it all but please join us in prayer.

Today is our second day of at-home dialysis. We hope to get our machine up and running again and we hope this time…there are no snafus. Which reminds me….I think I have to prime a pak?? yeesh. This is a full time job.

I tried to get the office organized and comfortable as a dialysis room…its getting there but there are so many boxes!!! Its just looks overrun!

Oh and my brother came over with his family and we all watched church together and then my SIL organized my files and papers and my brother did some heavy lifting for me and we got a ton done. Plus is was really nice to just hang out. My dinner fairy did fabulous and not an ounce of food was left behind. Then by best friend from all the way back to birth took me away for a couple hours and I got a storage piece I needed and we had dinner and talked way too long. Can’t wait to do it again.

This week:

Chiro, massage, at home dialysis, surgery on Friday for fistula in his arm, homecoming parade and court, cross country invite, homecoming dance, and a work day in Newaygo. Also Cora comes home!! It’s her fall break so we get her longer. So also a drive to Chicago. Hopefully, also an appointment with Felicity. She says she wants me to go with her to her appointment, but she hasn’t made it yet (I got her into a better OB/midwife situation and I hope she takes advantage of it). Pray the surgery is in the morning (we don’t know yet) as I do NOT want to miss Aly in the parade and on court. 🙂

Read this on the email this morning. “…God works all things for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

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