Finishing up Wednesday

DustyMark's Journey Leave a Comment

I took some notes so I might remember it all…

So far he has recieved 3 units of blood. As far as I know the RBC (red blood cells) are holding but I’ll need to ask for sure. Between the back, the weird stomach/chest/upper GI pain and some abdomen pain…it took a bit to get it all under control. He describes the pain as “deep ache”.

They tried some nitro to bring the BP back down as it rose up throughout the morning and afternoon and it had to be titrated? (like they had to watch it and observe. Not just hook up and leave) and then the doctor changed the order and they had to reverse that and go back on the original one that seemed to work. He had dialysis here and I was able to go home and shower, change my clothes, eat and pack a bag. Our Mark’s Missions shirts were dropped off so I’ll need to sport that tomorrow!You can get one too if you want. (check link from yesterdays blog)

Hemotology stopped by to tell us that tests were run on this blood to rule out any type of autoimmune blood disorder (might be saying that wrong) and that was negative. They were also concerned the immunotherapy may be causing the blood to act weird but that was negative too. Those are both good news because it means he can continue therapy and that he doesn’t some crazy blood disease. They ruled out blood in his cancer as well. BUT the RBC are going somewhere. His own body is using/dispensing it or it would hold after a transplant. Several ongoing tests hopefully will give us more information in the coming days as to why his blood is acting weird.

Tomorrow morning he will get a scope to look into that “deep ache” and hopefully find some answers. I don’t understand how it can be related, and mybe its not, but maybe it is.

Dialysis went okay. Its never good and its never very exciting. Its just something you have to do.


My good friend from college was in town and we were suppose to go see my little house and then eat some food and hang out Tuesday night. I had to take a rain check. But her blessed little reheaded heart came to the hospital and brought me food this afternoon and as weird as it may have seemed to sit in the room wtih me and mark and staff, she did. When I hugged her she started to cry. Heather was there when the news of my sisters death reached me at CMU. She knew before I did and anxiously waited for me to come pick up Karson. She grabbed me and hugged me really hard. I remember even today how that felt. She seems to be there in the hard time and it brought both of us back a bit. Karson also stopped by but you can’t have more than 2 at a time so one had to go!

I am hoping for a less busy night….no new issues…lots of rest and a very productive day. But as we are learning…we do NOT get to plan now do we. Have you learned to roll with life a bit more yet?

Meanwhile…we had a mechanical inspection at our new house…a drywall quote for the basement and willing hands to hang it next week. All I need to do is order it up and have supplies there. (drywaller will finish but not hang) Once that is done we a few big things that need to happen but we should be able to prime/paint and get it finished up! I’m excited and really anxious at the same time. I have alot to pack at home. I would blame this set-back but we all know (if you know me) that I’m a procrastinater.

Let’s talk tomorrow. Thanks everyone.

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