1000 things..

DustyMark's Journey 3 Comments

Feb 27th

My friend Kristy gave me a book one time…Its called A Thousand Gifts. It well written and very detailed in description and it encourages you to look very close at your life. Smell, touch, listen. There are so many things that happen around us everyday and if we can stop to appreciate it and realize it we can recognize these all as gifts. I sat in the hot tub (gift) and even though my mind was swirling with thoughts….if I stopped to listen I could hear the creek running. I could smell the hot drink in my hand….and appreciate the way my hand curves around it and it fits into the edge of my palm. The sun was shining..the birds are sitting on tree branches nearby and I could clearly see the freckles above my dogs nose as he sat patiently on the deck for me.

I used to keep a pretty steady journal and I would try to list as may things as possible as gifts I was given each day. Some days it was 5 and some days it was 39. Its very easy to just go through life and its even easier to see/hear the bad stuff (Pretty Women) but if we can purposely focus on gifts its easier to get through the day. Everything seems brighter.


Friday we got up extra early for dialysis because we had an appointment midday. As hard as it is to rise up early…it does feel really good to be done by 10:30am. This appointment was great, let me tell you why. The nurse at the radiation oncologist office at Metro/UofM was very thorough with Mark and then she started talking about kids and knew we had 6. I asked her how she knew and she told me she read his file! I’m sorry, but that blew me away that she took the time to read up on Mark and became very familiar with him prior to his appointment. It just doesn’t happen enough. Then the doctor came in to clarify some things regarding our expectations and what she was seeing or not seeing on the latest MRI. After a lengthy conversation she told us she didn’t see anything in the femor/hip area to radiate but then asked about his shoulder. Since his shoulder doesn’t bear weight and it felt like more of a aching pain we decided that it didn’t need radiation either. She left again to call the UofM doctor and to go over their most recent scans to double check but the conclusion we came up with is that he doesn’t need radiation. It was a long appointment but it was very complete and I can totally appreciate that as we don’t often feel like that happens. So no more radiation right now.

We had made plans weeks and weeks ago to go north and stay at Mark’s relatives house for the weekend. It’s hard to work schedules out and you never know if Mark will feel really good but I was hoping to get away. Cora came home with friends and went to the W4 at church, Aly didn’t feel good by the time we got home and Hatcher wanted to spend time with his cousin for his birthday. Since we were totally playing it by ear, I let Hatcher go and then when we knew Aly wasn’t feeling well, we decided not to drive up. BUT Saturday was so beautiful that Mark and I hopped (in or slowly got into) the truck and took the drive up there. I am so glad we did. We got to visit family, eat good food, go to Betsy Point and see Lake Michigan and I had my first ride in a Tesla. The scenery to and fro and at the location was spectacular and the company was fabulous.

**So I’m on the struggle bus to get the photos to load. Its a shame really….they were so pretty but its late and I don’t want to mess with it any longer.**

We came home Saturday night and we ALL slept in today and watched church from home. Cora stayed the night again at our house with her 2 friends and we made pancakes and had coffee and ate bacon. Cora had to leave this afternoon so that’s always sad but I sent her on the road with milk and cookies since Jas told me she likes my GF chocolate chips cookies alot.

Also Karson and Abby stopped by and I have my official wedding invite in hand! They also practiced their dance moves in the living room. Slightly scary.

Karson brought over equipment to start an Podcast…thoughts on what Mark should talk about??

I guess I just wanted to say that my heart is pretty full. I wish I could be more involved and invested in all that is going on (with my kids) but I still feel blessed to be able to do what I can. The sunny weather was awesome, the day trip was really nice and to have almost all my kids in my living room today was great! Friends brought us dinner and visited for a bit and I was able to get a walk in on the North Country Trail with a friend this afternoon. Pastor Chris talked about answered prayers…and how we often will forgot that God answered them. I wanted to share an answered prayer with you guys…but I forgot what it was. (That’s not even suppose to be a joke-so I’m frustrated!). **WAIT! update…I remembered. I was chatting with a friend this weekend, who also has a senior this year, about how to keep it simple and the dos and don’ts of open houses and that made me think that I have to make it easier on myself when it comes to food. I recieved a message today from a friend who offered to do it all!!! That’s a direct (and quick) answer to prayer! God might be answering our big prayers by answering little ones…one at a time.

Thankfully the upcoming week doesn’t look too overwhelming with appointments but there is still alot because being sick itself, is alot. This week is all at-home dialysis so pray it keeps going smoothly. There is a baby appointment for Felicity tomorrow as well.

BTW the Lynn Austin series is still going well. Mark flew through them but I take longer. I’m on book 3.

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