Wyoming-the short version

DustyUncategorized 1 Comment

August 8, 2022

A crazy year to say the least. Its already August. A year ago today Mark left on a trip and said goodbye to Cora (who was going off to Moody Bible) in the Target parking lot before leaving. He wasn’t feeling well and drank a Bolthouse Farm juice and insisted on right seat in the plane (co-pilot) for the trip as he was not feeling himself. The day before he spoke at his grandfathers funeral.

When the word was out that the Wyoming team was going out again, Hatcher was all about it and tried rounding up a bunch of his friends to go with. Alyeska was about 75% on board and I thought it a good idea for them to do it. That was this past winter. I knew I couldn’t go and so it never entered my brain. Mark and I went with all the kids the year before so we were certainly not missing out. I thought I would be here with Mark…doing the cancer and dialysis stuff. But everything changed.

I talked Cora into going with us and asked if there was room for me (I think it was at the All Star Meet I chatted with one of the leaders). Its funny how you can be talked into something with the simple line “hey are you coming to Wyoming?” So it was decided all 4 of us would go. Aly wasn’t 100% sold but obviously…she went.

So I said short version and that’s what I’ll give you.

It was hard.

Harder physically than last year but honestly, it’s hard to get out of bed some days. Everything is hard. I’m prideful and I’m a doer and so I had to have a talk with myself several times. I have nothing to prove to anyone. I have no need to impress anyone. I’m just here to be here. I sat back alot. I didn’t engage in conversation like I would normally. I watched people alot. I didn’t stay up at the fire at night. I was just there.

Wyoming is beautiful. The mountains and lakes and streams and rocks. The quiet. The sunrise and sunset. The crystal clear waters. The slowing down of life…….the wind storms…the rain..the thunder echoing in the mountain valleys. We had wet tents and loud euchure players. We ate semi hard noodles in “cheese” sauce out of large resealable envelopes. We ate oatmeal for every breakfast and instant starbucks coffee. We used the woods for a restroom and 40 people in the woods…well. Leaves lots of messes. We saw wild horses, cows, antelope and one black bear (from a distance). I took hooks out of fish and ate fresh fish on the the shore. I learned Yellowstone fish have red bellies.

Homemade porta-pottys, borrowed down coats, borrowed lures, protein bars, trail mix, heavy packs, leaking tents, lake baths, devotions in the rain, lots of rock hopping, river crossing, water pumping, wet bags, flushable wipes, cards at night in tents, three 15-passenger vans, 100.3 (private joke for van #3), Iowa 80 buffet, pepto bismol, gusty winds blowing hats off heads, snow mio slushies, dinner trading, firewood gathering, fish gutting, campfire pudding, frog togs, deepened frienships, and creole seasoning.

More details to come.

If you get the chance. Take it.

Sadly, all the photos I have are in heic form and I cannot post them in this blog.

Comments 1

  1. Thought about you and how hard it would have been as you reminisced about last years trip with Mark. You are so brave Thankful that you were all able to go. Continued prayers for you all.

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