September 16th-a.m.
This is one of Mark’s favorite songs…he sings it loud while he mows the lawn. Like at the top of his lungs. I can hear him inside. He has handed down this trait to Hatcher. They both sing it well. (video at the bottom)
(Youtube has other versions of this song by the same artists if you want to check it out.)

We first heard the group Ghost Ship when we accompanied the youth group to Progresso Mexico for a missions trip. One night we ate outside by the pool, an authentic mexican meal, and everyone kind of just hung out afterward. Matt Weida brought his guitar and started leading music. Somewhere in the night, Dawson Armstrong sang Poison Tree by Ghost Ship. We had never heard it before, nor the group. Ever since then we have been a fan.
I laid on the edge of the pool til well past midnight…just listening to the kids sing worship together. I didn’t participate, I just listened. It was a beautiful thing.