November 13th 2022
Today is my longest friends birthday. She isn’t my tallest friend but the friend I have had for the longest time. :). Our moms were friends so we were destined to be together. I was born 6 days before her. We have done all of like together and I hope we continue to do so no matter what life throws our way!
(insert really cute photo of Julie and I in 4th grade. She was in her football uniformand I was in my cheerleader uniform. Don’t know where to dig that up right now)
A half of a year seems like a really long time but also…just like yesterday. I was listening to something on the radio that said people stop inquiring or coming around after 2 weeks post death…and stop mentioning the name of the deceased by 6 months. I found that astounding and sad. I get it though. Our lives are so busy with life and those around us that is it hard to give time and energy to those that are no longer here (and their families). I talk about Mark all the time and still catch myself using present tense. I love that people will not hesitate to talk about him around me. I hope that never stops and I hope that until the end of my time…his name is still spoken and he is mentioned. Its sad to me to think that you go through life, endure much, give much and sometimes suffer much as well…only to be forgotten after a few weeks or months. We must consider the legacy we are leaving. How many lives can we influence while we are here? Are we doing it? I’m not always but I exhaust myself with the list of things I want to do and people I want to do it with. I have to tell myself to slow down and pick away at it but then again the reality of..we have no idea of our time here on earth…is very real to me.

I’m so stinking close to finishing Jack Junior for short term rentals. I need to have water turned on though and that means I need one more sink plumbed. I would try it myself but I also can’t lift the sink myself nor can I get the old drain out. Some things you just need a man for…or a couple more strong women. :). I laid 92% of the floor already and need to finish it up. Once I clean up that mess I can also park in my garage!!! It only took a year! I need some sort of rail and ladder and I need to finish some trim work. Tomorrow will be a busy day. I think I’m going to chill today though. Hatcher just got back from fall retreat and is tired and so I think Ill follow suit and rest.
Aly leaves tomorrow for Tallahassee for nationals. As of right now she is just an alternate so I do not plan to attend the event. Next year hopefully she will qualify as top 7 runners and go and compete. I’ll watch live results and cheer the Golden Eagles on from here. Cora just got back from Nationals in Joplin, MO. Their division is different and the school is much smaller and so they all go and run. She was bummed. She kind of didn’t want to go and run. BUT she is done now officially. She is thinking about taking more classes the next three semesters in order to graduate early. This also means she can do her internship this summer. She is trying to figure it all out. Aly has to start taking classes in her major and is not sure what avenue to take! You can pray about both of those things.
Hatcher is finishing up drivers training this week. Then I have a personal driver again. Normally I would be nervous to have one of my kids drive but he is already a pretty good driver and so I feel more relaxed with him.
I invited a few girlfriends over to my house to cook for them and have a campfire and hangout. We shopped downtown first for “deer widows” night and discovered downtown Newaygo has a social district now. It is complete with twinkly lights, fires, high top bar areas, seating areas and cornhole. Its behind the River Stop and other businesses on the south side of M37. Our food was good and I got us a mean fire going but even though we have blankets, some of my guests were too cold so we wandered inside before we all dispersed to our homes/beds. Man, I sure can’t stay up like a used to. I was going to head to Chicago to see a Wheaton game but then I remembered Cora wouldn’t be there and the game wasn’t going to be competative so I got alot of work done here at home.
I’m excited for Thanksgiving…and even a little bit for Christmas but I always get super anxious about gifts and such and this year is just going to be extra weird and emotional I’m sure. I want to do some very special things with the kids…I just don’t know if I can pull it all off, ya know.
This morning I woke to some snow..and a new chill in the air that only the first snow can bring. I made coffee and sat in the hot tub. I skipped Sunday School so I could take Felciity to get more baby formula before church and missed what sounds like a really good class talking about miracles. Shucks.
I never posted this!
I keeps snowing and as pretty as it is, I just get cold and stay cold and I really really don’t like being cold. I dislike wet snow as well. It just turns to slop so quick that its muddy and yucky. If we are gonna have snow make it cold snow and I’ll just stay in!
I feel like I’m making great headway on the apartment…but I didn’t end up doing much. I have a friend in Kent City who shares the same birthday as me and we finally had our birthday breakfast today. I got a late start on my day..I did make, what I would call, a cabinet door. I think I could start classes on “lazyman’s woodworking on a budget”. I have constructed about 90% of the cabinet/kitchen area from scraps of wood and stuff I had around and that Mark teased me for keeping. Well, Mark, it just saved me lots of money AND I cleaned out clutter. Once I move the sofa into the apartment…I think I can park in the garage! Image that!. I do. I’ve been imagining that for a year.
Hatcher has one more night of drivers training class. He is so ready to get his license and I’m ready too I think.
Aly is in Florida…her team races Friday! I’m sure you can watch it LIVE. Yep, I found it. Click HERE

Also, if you didn’t see/listen/read my interview for AwareNow Magazine you can do that HERE

After the New Year I think I will be taking on small design projects (actually already have one started for a client) and tying to snag some speaking gigs. Let me know if you know of any opportunity!! (speaking not design)
Oh and Trump for Pres??? 2024. Hmmm. I have thoughts on that but I don’t write on political stuff.
Comments 1
I still just want to hug you for a very long time!! Yay, congratulations, Hatcher!! Happy to hear that the girls are all doing well. I really would have liked to have gotten to know Mark better. Love you all